Hope. Healing . Recovery
The Spartanburg Area Mental Health Center (SAMHC) provides outpatient mental health assessment, counseling, crisis intervention, psychiatric treatment/therapy, and support services to adults, children, adolescents, and their families who are affected by serious mental illnesses and significant emotional disorders. SAMHC serves the residents of Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union Counties in South Carolina through clinics in Spartanburg, Gaffney, and Union.
Peer Support
Peer supporters are people who use their experience of recovery from mental health disorders to support others in recovery.
Adults Therapy Service
Behavioral health treatments are ways of helping people with mental illnesses or substance use disorders.
Hospital Liaison
Liaison psychiatry services address the mental needs of people who are being treated primarily for physical health problems or symptoms.
Jail & Detention Liaison
Jail Liaison focuses on issues affecting adults who have serious mental illness and are involved in the criminal justice system.
School Based Mental Health
The South Carolina Department of Mental Health (DMH) is the leading School Mental Health Services provider across South Carolina.
Early intervention
Early intervention is the process of providing specialist intervention to a person who is experiencing early symptoms of mental illness.
Children Therapy Services
Children’s counseling services help a child improve skills, behaviors, manage emotions and learn to deal with life or personal problems.
Intensive Community Treatment
Intensive Community Treatment (ICT) is an array of mental health services for individuals with significant mental illness.
Individual Placement and Support
IPS supported employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing.
Towards Local Care
TLC programs provide residential and rehabilitative services to help patients integrate into their communities.
Community Housing
The Housing and Homeless Programs of SAMHC provide assistance and funding through vendor contracts to organizations.
Intensive Family Services
IFS are home-based mental health services that are designed to meet each child and family’s unique needs through crisis management.
Crisis Response and Intervention
The CCRI mental health counselors will provide on-site emergency psychiatric screening and assessment 24/7 to our community.
Eubanks Center
Eubanks Peer Support Living Room is designed to be a safe space where individuals can find support and resources.
Care Coordination
Care coordination is the process of helping a person with a mental illness to access a range of different services.